A bespoke programme,
that grows with the goals of each member.
Personal well-being and health are the result of sensible lifestyle choices.
Physical and mental well-being are largely based on the quality of our exercise, nutrition, rest and mental strength.
The multidisciplinary team designs an individual formula for success for each member,
making sure to provide support every step of the way.
In addition to the classical approaches of meditation, massages, and breathing exercises, the CORTHEA Townhouse offers the leading technologies for relaxation.
Potential for improvement and objectives are identified. The experienced sports science team - supported by the most innovative testing and training systems - continuously optimises the effectiveness of the training types. In this way, you achieve every goal with pleasure and stay fit long-term.
The combination of traditional knowledge and new insights of modern nutritional biochemistry serve the member as the basis for a personalised nutritional concept suitable for everyday use. This will be continuously adapted to personal requirements and goals.
Multi-talented coaches are at your service on site or anytime via app. Supportive in any life situation.